We formed ALG with to deliver powerful training and leadership development programs where traditional organizational programs fall short. Here is how we deliver the support your leaders need to succeed.
We want to be true partners.
You know your business better than anyone, and we respect that. Before we bring our leadership development knowledge and experience into your organization, we listen and learn … about your company, its culture, its values, its goals, and its current way of developing leaders. Only after we understand all of this do we begin creating a long-term solution to help you achieve your desired results.
We develop and implement long-term solutions.
Many business leadership courses are designed to be one-offs: Send your leaders to our class, we’ll teach them what they need to know, and then we’ll send them back to the job, ready to lead you to greatness. It’s no wonder that success rarely happens with this mind-set. Real learning happens over time, and we’re there to reinforce ideas and behaviors every step of the way.
Learning is part of a larger strategy.
Any organizational leadership development program worth doing is part of a bigger strategy for success. That’s why we custom-design solutions that align with how you do business. Because everything your leaders are learning and practicing relates to your strategies and goals, you’ll see not only better leadership but also increased bottom-line productivity and results.
We utilize real-world learning.
The concepts people learn in a classroom setting don’t necessarily translate to their everyday work world. Our multifaceted learning approach teaches your leaders how to apply the skills they learn through our business leadership courses and other training once they’re back on the job. Everything we deliver is geared toward a real-world application, with sustainability tools to make sure the learning lasts.
We apply our real-world experience.
Unlike many consultants who’ve never worked a day in the types of organizations they’re training, we developed our expertise in world-class training and sales organizations. We’ve been in the trenches and understand what corporate leaders deal with day in and day out … and what skills and knowledge they need to succeed.
We apply continual research.
Because the corporate landscape changes constantly, we’re never satisfied with what we know to be true today. We continually study and benchmark leadership development best practices across industries so we can bring the newest and best practices to our organizational leadership development programs.
We walk the walk.
We believe in training for ourselves, too. That’s why we’re certified as executive coaches through the Coaches Training Institute (CTI) and Newfield, as assessors through the Hay Group, and as leaders of numerous proven learning programs.